Tuesday, July 7, 2009


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Remember the shell I gifted? I had lied then, It was not from the 'chai-wala' from opposite the beach that I had bought it from... I had dived into the blue ocean to claim my prize!

I did not tell you then because would be unhappy thinking of what I risked. I did not want to see the bothered frown in your merry stare.

I could not tell you later... I did not want to feel tears bite my eyes when I saw how least bothered you were even after realising what I had lost!

The shell had fine red lines which then symbolised love... the lines look thicker now, they look full of blood.

I can taste the blood everytime you talk, everytime you look away, everytime you make love.

I can then feel your empty heart...

I had returned to the beach the other day. I tried diving back to the blue ocean, but the filth obstructed my desire. I perhaps desired less this time. I returned, only to feel my empty heart miss a beat... One, two, three, uncountable, numerous.

And just before I closed my eyes I saw you beckon me with the same merry stare, the gentle love, the undying care...

Alas! I never woke again!

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