Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Neutral Take and an Earnest Prayer.

I get it. My direction needs to be decided, to be measured intricately, to be observed well and to be duly advised. If I take the left side, I will be accused of being too rigid to welcome change, if I stray into the other part, people will scream heritage, culture, tradition and bla bla. There are a thousand ways to make me decide; the newspapers try it everyday, the channels scare me to death and online communities and social networking sites now make me see red (and green). I am called selfish, dumb, ignorant, indifferent and choose any word you may, when I try and take a middle path. I am forced to do away with my neutrality and my massive hatred towards politics in general and politics in Bengal especially. To those who try to manipulate me and people like me, I feel like screaming out... I won't change. Restrict your issues with the very word in terms of the two political parties if you may, do not even spell it out near me. I instantly see red (and green). I may even bite.

You claim to be nation lovers, to be the thinkers of a flourishing Bengal. I have seen Bengal drowning under lethargy, bandhs, murders, corruption, uncouthness, and take your pick please. I have seen Bengal fall to a state of ridicule. Thirty five years of rule has left Bengal scarred. False promises of improvement now shall not help. Bengal has stopped believing in you.

You claim to be usherers of change (the word makes me sick), dreamers of a new Bengal. I have seen only mud-slinging in you, with no motive to think of the betterment of the state, but with every intention of coming to power by hook or by crook (crooks predominating). You have not done things very differently from your enemy, you are just the other face of the same coin. Adding glamour to your side will not dazzle us to blindness. Bengal sees through you. (Or so I hope).

This vote is a saga of favouritism, of pretentiousness, of fake promises, of contenders with hugest criminal records, of hatred, of thirst for power, of a bleak future, of a deteriorated Bengal, of political games in the name of education, of mud-slinging in the name of power, of murders in the name of accusations, of unwilling martyrs, of a corrupt state.

Leave me, and if I may say so, the likes of me alone. I love Bengal too much to believe in your falsities. Leave your manipulative comments to yourselves. Change or no change I do not see happy tidings anywhere near Bengal for years to come. All of you out there, who dance to your party colours, benefit by doing so. All of you have your motives in place. There is no idealism left in this charred state once heralded as one of the richest (in all possible ways) in India. Let me mourn the death of my Bengal in peace. Amen.

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