Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sheli's Dream...

The sands of time...

Blew away with glory

There was no wind

Nor rain to steal its history...

A small little child

With one little leg brown

Limped his way down

Down down down..

"Prettiest am I?"

Asked the Step-Mother.

The Mirror laughed with glee:

"Look,Snow-White lies under the tree".

"I killed her! And buried her

Beneath the tree", screamed she...

And then saw a flower bloom

Over the mud, in the heap.

A rose it was, blood red.

A blue stain on it, it held.

Snow white cannot die,

Royal blood even Death defy!

Snow-White rose, with the wind,

And the rain, amidst a little pain.

The little boy came limping by,

And kissed her and made her his bride.

Look at Snow-White in the sky,

Behind the rainbow see her fly,

On her broomstick with her Prince-

That little boy, who came limping by!

Away away and away they go,

To some land, some unknown shore,

And then awoke Sheli from her slumber,

“The tap is running wild”,said she,”Call the plumber!”.


sheliosa said...

Indeed o poem without a poet, you speak so truly of my dreams!!! Now go and make some egg curry... :D

Unknown said...

Well! thanks... u accept that I do both well, I take that as a compliment! :P

poulumi said...

ha d ha d ha....if we were to rite poems on ur weirdest dreams, it wud soon become an epic...
Shayeri good job :)

Unknown said...

I know Polo! The owner has to be notified.. n Polo, beware! U r the next victim on my list.. so.. keep watching!

Unknown said...

LOL! I did not know of the existence of this record of the Mistress of the Wildest Dreams . Great work. Looking forward to more sequels!

Anonymous said...

sheli's dream is a dream toodistant.she is strangeand overbearing;she is indignant:when life turns odd;she must realise, the days are far toounconcentional, as 2009 should be.

Unknown said...

I hope Sheli realises, I believe she will!

Unknown said...

"Away away and away they go,
To some land, some unknown shore,
And then awoke Sheli from her slumber,

“The tap is running wild”,said she,”Call the plumber!”."

Goddamn Tap!! hw i wish sheli had slept a bit longer :p

Unknown said...

i wish the same too... but all dreams need to break one morning and shelis was no exception! :)

Unknown said...
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